
Articles from the Unitarian Universalist Church of the North Hills

Sermons, special events and more

Featured Items from UUCNH


By |March 27th, 2022|

“Children don’t get weary till your work is done.” That line from the traditional gospel blues song we just [...]

Whose Land

By |January 16th, 2022|

As I’ve mentioned in other sermons, I’m glad that indigenous issues are finally being given some attention. It’s a [...]

Role of Reason in Religion

By |September 19th, 2021|

I read the following story on my colleague Dan Harper’s website: A newcomer took a seat in one of [...]

Upcoming Services

Join us on Sunday for this conversational exploration of the Soul Matters theme for October: Deep Listening. Have you ever heard that still small voice and ignored it? Have you ever heeded it and been grateful? You are invited to continue the discussion immediately following the service.  Presented by Rev. Lee Anne Washington All are [...]

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