Many of us returned to the church for the first time in over two years in the last few weeks or months.  As you visit  I know that you realize how the roof and silos are starting to look really bad. You also know how we have had to curtail so much of the needed social contact with one another. Imagine the North Hills of Pittsburgh without our church. It is easy to do so because we got a glimpse of it during the height of the pandemic.
Our upcoming capital campaign was launched at our annual meeting in June and we are fast approaching the kick-off of the event. The campaign is the answer to how our physical facility will be around to support the mission of our church so we can continue to transform ourselves and our world.
We have a simple solution to our needs.  Simply attend the events, listen to our stories of what UUCNH means to us, share what it means to you, imagine a world without and with UUCNH, and give to the campaign from your treasure, time, and talent to keep our church well maintained.

Here are the important dates to keep in mind

Our kick-off will be September 11 as part of this year’s in-gathering service.  We will announce the name of the campaign and provide more details on what is in the plan.  It will be good to be together to kick off the year and the campaign season.  We will reveal the name, logo, and tagline for the campaign – also a song is being written!

Save the date – October 16

We will gather for a celebration event at the Maple Grove Pavilion at Blueberry Hill Park in Franklin Park.  This will be an all-church lunch provided by the capital campaign.  Food, Fun, and Fellowship!  You will want to watch for the RSVP in September.
After the kick-off event,  volunteers from the church will be canvassing our members and friends to share what UUCNH means to them, listen to what it means to you and support you in your pledge decision for the campaign.  Like our spring stewardship campaign, this is a great opportunity for members to get to know one another again and dream together.  Please consider volunteering to help with this activity if you have the time, and certainly make sure you welcome that canvasser into your home for a short visit. If you are interested in being a canvasser please let us know at [email protected].

Campaign Finale

Around Thanksgiving, we will gather to celebrate the end of the successful campaign as we complete securing the pledges needed. And we will look forward to the realization of our plans and goals. We know that by fixing our building and grounds we can attract more people to use our facility year round, we can ensure that people are safely entering the driveway and parking their cars, walking to and from the church, and comfortable on the second-floor year-round, and enjoying the outdoors with fresh air events much of the year.

Food for thought

We are standing on the shoulders of those that have pledged and contributed in the past.   The congregants who bought the barn in 1961, the folks who added the East and West Rooms(1992), and the conversion of the loft into meeting spaces (2006).  As we get ready for the fall, ask yourself this – where would be right now, today if these folks said no when they were asked to participate?