Board of Trustees

Geoff Coleman – President

Alison Smith – Immediate Past President

Jody Clark – Vice President

Lynn Richards – Secretary

Lindsay Scott – Treasurer

Chuck Berry – Board Member

David Miles – Board Member

Erin Terrizzi – Board Member

UUCNH Organizational Chart

UUCNH Board of Trustees Covenant

We, the Board of the Unitarian Universalist Church of the North Hills, freely enter into this covenant. Together, we will work for the benefit of the mission of UUCNH. We affirm that all of these parties are in partnership as we undertake this work.

To these ends, we agree:

  • To seek consensus in decision-making, with all members, having felt heard in the decision-making process, able to support the decisions of the group
  • To manage interpersonal conflicts in a constructive way through private conversation and to avoid triangulation

  • To each do our share of the work in a timely fashion; not to do more than our share of the work

  • To maintain transparent processes and open Board meetings to the fullest extent possible, while meeting our obligation to hold in confidence information that we as a Board may receive in confidence or that we have a legal, fiduciary, or ethical responsibility to keep confidential
  • To accept our roles as Board members as more than monthly meeting participation and use between meeting time for action on our goals

  • To always assume good intentions

  • To show up and be present

  • To indicate to the President when we are unable to attend

  • To begin and end on time

  • To speak freely and listen attentively to each other

  • To respond to one another in a timely fashion, recognizing that silence will be interpreted as agreement, but that constructive response is preferred

  • To participate in, as we are able, Sunday mornings and other UUCNH events

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