Project Description

UUCNH – Supports Social Justice

We are courageous, curious, and compassionate thinkers and doers.


Serving Our World
Ours is a theology of engagement. We draw inspiration and truth from experiencing each other and the world around us. In doing so, we necessarily witness both the beauty and brokenness of our larger community and environment.  We come together here because we want to help heal the brokenness. Our Unitarian Universalist congregations are committed to helping create justice in our world.

Children’s Memorial Fund
The Children’s Memorial Fund is a grant-making fund established in 1962 by Dennis Gilbertson as a memorial to his wife and children. The Unitarian Universalist Church of the North Hills oversees and distributes grants to relieve the suffering of children here in our community and throughout the world without regard to nationality, creed, or race. Grants have been awarded for medical equipment, to support day camps, orphanages, accessibility needs, musical instruments, and to bring together families in times of crisis. For more information contact the Children’s Memorial Fund Team.

Systemic Change

While we have many members who work out in the community as individuals, we do come together as a church on a few issues that we agree on. We work in coalitions since that’s the most effective way to get things done. We are active members of the Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact Network (PIIN), and the Unitarian Universalist Justice Pennsylvania (UUJusticePA),  a state advocacy network.

Recently, the congregation voted to work to end gerrymandering in Pennsylvania. We partnered extensively with Fair Districts PA, and to a lesser extent, March on Harrisburg. We were nearly successful!

We do lots of phone calls, writing letters, postcards and e-mails. We visit legislators’ offices, occasionally protest (two of us have even been arrested!), and hold educational forums. As a religious community, we seek to fulfill our mission by reaching out into the world to affect transformation. Since we are a part of an interdependent web of existence, all deeply connected, we reach beyond the walls of our congregation to address systemic injustice.

We meet (currently via Zoom) on the first Monday of the month at 7 PM.


Feeling politically frustrated? Overwhelmed?

Join UUJusticePA – Unitarian Universalist Pennsylvania Legislative Advocacy Network!

We are a group of Pennsylvanian UU’s connected via email and conference phone call, meeting monthly on issues, learning how to advocate for the issues that concern us the most. Choose an issue team and sit in on a monthly phone call: issue teams include Immigration, Gerrymandering (Good Government), Environmental Justice, Gun Violence, Economic Justice, Reproductive Justice, and Anti-Mass Incarceration.  We learn how to efficiently and effectively contact our legislators through email, phone call, and occasional visits to district offices. Be as involved as you have time for, or support us with your donation.  For more information please feel welcome to contact Liz Perkins, Carol Ballance, Stephen Fuegi or UUJusticePA. We will help you affirm and promote the goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all.

You are always welcome to visit

The best way to experience our church community is to visit either online or in person.  Please fill out the Visitor information on the link below.