The January Share the Plate recipient is Living in Liberty.

Living in Liberty

From their website: “Living in Liberty restores dignity, freedom, and a new life to victims of commercial sexual exploitation by creating a safe, secure, loving, and nurturing community where healing occurs and a new life begins.” To accomplish their mission, Living in Liberty, conducts awareness, prevention and outreach, and has established Safe Homes for survivors of human trafficking. Living in Liberty runs the Repurposed Store on McKnight Rd, which sells handmade items from survivors of trafficking, and provides clothing and other items as well as job training for the women served.
You may donate by January 31st in the following ways: 1) Place cash or check in the BLUE envelope in the offering plate during Sunday services; 2) Mail a check to the church office; or 3) Go to the church website’s Donation Page and select Special Offerings. Checks should be made payable to UUCNH, with “Share the Plate” or “LIL” in the memo line. If using the website Donation Page, please be sure to include the words “Share the Plate” and/or “LIL” when making your donation.
Share the plate totals are not fully tabulated by the end of the month but will be shared when finalized. Thank you for your patience and your generosity!