At UUCNH we are self-governing

Member Resources and Opportunities

Covenantal Relations

The Covenantal Relations Team (CRT) is organized through both the Ministry and Governance branches of the Church. It is made up of three members of the Congregation plus the Minister.   The Covenantal Relations Team is responsible for:

  • Designing and managing the process used by the church to address conflicts that arise that may threaten the health of the community.

  • Balancing the need for confidentiality with the need to keep the Board and Congregation informed when there is a conflict.

The Covenantal Relations Team can be contacted by clicking on the button below.


Work closely together to monitor, direct and communicate all financial aspects of the operation of UUCNH.

Runs the Annual Stewardship Campaign to solicit pledges to support our operating budget.

  • Print this PDF by CLICKING HERE and submit it to either the box on top of the Food Pantry cabinet or in a Sunday collection basket.

  • Fill out this Breeze online form as your pledge submission by CLICKING HERE.

The Treasurer can be contacted by clicking on the button below.

Sunday Services

In concert with the Minister, the Sunday Service Team is charged with providing high-quality, dynamic Sunday services for the Unitarian Universalist Church of the North Hills. Through a process of intentional planning, ongoing conversation, and regular evaluation, the SST and the Minister will ensure a rich worship life to help bring the members and friends of the congregation together in our beloved community.


A great way to get involved with a low-time commitment, but puts you in contact with many smiling faces of members and friends. Ushers also collect and count the offering.

Audio Wranglers

Provides audio-visual support during Sunday Services, including microphones, video projection, and recording of services.

  • Our service topics are anchored in our mission statement

  • The Sunday Service Team plans and coordinates all Sunday Services that are not lead by the Minister.

The Sunday Services Team can be contacted by clicking on the button below.

Members and friends of UUCNH  have the opportunity to bring in flowers for a virtual Sunday service.  These flowers can be in memory of someone or in honor of a birthday or anniversary. A listing will be placed in the Order of Service, recognizing your flowers displayed at the service. You must sign up at least one week prior of your desired Sunday.  Once you sign up, you will receive an automated reminder via Signup Genius on the Tuesday prior.  If you have any questions or need more details, please contact Becca Hovermale.

  • Flower recipient will be recognized the day of the service.

  • UUCNH flowers will be displayed during the service.

Leadership Development

Leadership Development Team (LDT) identifies and trains potential lay leaders and provides support and further leadership development to current congregational lay leaders, i.e., board members and committee chairs/team leads. The team is also responsible for nominating board members and its own members to the LDT.  The Team focuses on:

  • Develop and promote a path to leadership.

  • Nominate consenting church members to the LDT and the Board of Trustees

  • Recommend, but not appoint or remove, committee chairs/team leads

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