Policy Documents2024-12-17T11:45:06-05:00

Unitarian Universalist Church of the North Hills

Official Policy Documents as updated by the UUCNH Board of Trustees

Alcohol Policy

Purpose: This policy establishes limitations on the sale, serving, and/or use of alcoholic beverages on UUCNH property and at UUCNH [...]

Children and Youth Safety Policy

UUCNH Children & Youth Safety Policy Approved by the UUCNH Board of Directors on 05/19/20 Purpose  1.1 The purpose of [...]

Document Management Policy

Introduction: Documents are a vital part in the effective functioning of any organization. We need a repository both for [...]

Facilities Use Policy

Purpose: The Unitarian Universalist Church of the North Hills (UUCNH) wishes to make its church building and grounds available for [...]

Firearms Policy

Policy In order to provide a safe and welcoming environment for our staff, members and visitors, UUCNH prohibits the [...]

Gifts Acceptance Policy

Purpose: This policy is designed to provide guidance to the UUCNH community so as to facilitate the process for [...]

Inclement Weather Policy

Purpose: During the course of the year, inclement weather may cause the church to be closed for Sunday Services [...]

Ministers Discretionary Fund

Purpose: The Church has established a discretionary fund for use by the minister to support the ministry of the [...]

New Groups Policy

Purpose: The Ministry Council is responsible for approving new groups. While new and experimental small groups can have value, [...]

Parking Spaces Policy

Purpose: This policy identifies the intended use of the upper-level parking (with good access to the church building for [...]

Policy for In‐Person Gatherings

Policy for In‐Person Gatherings at UUCNH During the Covid‐19 Pandemic This is the seventh revision to the original August [...]

Share the Basket Policy

Purpose: This policy supports our Social Action efforts by providing financial contributions to various charities on a regular basis. [...]

Solicitation Policy

Solicitation at UUCNH and on behalf of UUCNH Applicability This policy governs solicitation on church premises or at sponsored church [...]

Website Policy

Purpose: This policy governs the purpose, content, and administration of the UUCNHwebsite. It seeks to establish a web presence that [...]

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