Project Description

UUCNH – Share the Plate Program

Helping others in the community to help people in need

Things can seem to be too much at times…

The Share the Plate program monies collected by the church are sent to local organizations that are helping make a difference in the lives of the community.  Some of the Hallmarks of the program include the following:

Bread for the World

Bread for the World Institute is a Christian advocacy organization urging U.S. decision-makers to do all they can to pursue a world without hunger. Its mission is to educate and equip people to advocate for policies and programs that can help end hunger in the US. and around the world.


The mission of HEARTH is to provide a range of supportive services and housing that empowers homeless families, who are survivors of domestic violence or other trauma to become independent, self-sufficient, and adequately housed. Besides housing, HEARTH offers childcare, food and clothing pantries, and counseling and case management services.

Pittsburgh Interfaith Impact Network

The May share the plate recipient will be the Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact Network (PIIN).

PIIN is a network of congregations and organizations in Southwestern Pennsylvania committed to drawing together people of faith to act powerfully on local and regional issues of justice and fairness. Through the processes of community-building, working with politicians and policymakers, direct action, and negotiation, we transform our communities. PIIN is a major partner in doing social justice work in Southwest PA.

Environmental Health Project (EHP)

Southwest PA Environmental Health Project (SWPA EHP).

The Environmental Health Project (EHP) is a nonprofit public health organization that assists and supports residents of Southwestern Pennsylvania and beyond who believe their health has been or could be, impacted by shale gas development (SGD). The work of the SWPA EHP includes data collection and analysis, health and wellness education, and policy and advocacy initiatives.

EHP defends public health in the face of shale gas development.

We provide frontline communities with timely monitoring, interpretation, and guidance. We engage diverse stakeholders: health professionals, researchers, community organizers, public servants, and others. We do so because knowledge protects health. 

Hello Neighbor – neighbor to neighbor support

Since 2017, Hello Neighbor has provided support to over 800 refugees and immigrants from more than 17 countries of origin. Its programs focus on responding to the needs of our community and connecting refugees and immigrants to the support systems and resources they need to thrive.

Their local Family Services programs provide direct, neighbor-to-neighbor support to refugees and immigrants throughout the Pittsburgh region. These programs include Family Mentorship, connecting local families to their newest neighbors, Study Buddy, offering peer tutoring for refugee and immigrant youth, and Smart Start, providing support to new moms and babies.

Living in Liberty – Helping victims of commercial sex traffiking

“Living in Liberty restores dignity, freedom, and a new life to victims of commercial sexual exploitation by creating a safe, secure, loving, and nurturing community where healing occurs and a new life begins.” To accomplish their mission, Living in Liberty conducts awareness, prevention, and outreach, and has established Safe Homes for survivors of human trafficking. Living in Liberty runs the Repurposed Store on McKnight Rd, which sells handmade items from survivors of trafficking, and provides clothing and other items as well as job training for the women served.

People Helping People – North Hills Community Outreach

Since 1987, with the help of people just like our members, North Hills Community Outreach has helped struggling families in communities in northern Allegheny County get through difficult times and work toward self-sufficiency. Their services include three food pantries and an organic garden, seasonal Sharing Projects, utility assistance, emergency financial help, Education Assistance for nontraditional adults, WorkAble employment mentoring, Free Tax Preparation, Ask the Attorney legal consultation, budget coaching and Smart Investments for Women, In Service of Seniors volunteer care giving for seniors, two Free Rides for Seniors shuttles, Transportation Assistance, and much more.

Squirrel Hill Stands Against Gun Violence

The mission is to advocate for legislation that reduces gun violence so that other communities will never face the devastation experienced on Shabbat morning, October 27, 2018 at Tree of Life. The group sees working together with members of all three congregations and the broader Squirrel Hill Community as an effective way to educate the public about gun violence and move forward evidence-based legislation.

  • The group welcomes Jews and non-Jews

  • They partner with communities that suffer a disproportionate rate of gun violence

  • Program of Ceasefire Pennsylvania, a trusted voice and resource on gun violence and gun violence prevention

Hearth – A Safe Place Matters

Hearth understands the challenges that Single Moms face when they try to provide for their children. Hearth has been providing housing for Moms in need for over 26 years. They have access to the tools and resources necessary to help single Moms achieve their  goals.

  • Housing

  • Childcare

  • Food and clothing pantries

  • Case Management and Counseling Services

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