Here are the Financial Feasibility Study results that was recently undertaken by Barry Finkelstein. The study was conducted by Barry Finkelstein, a Unitarian Universalist Stewardship for Us Consultant.  Barry Interviewed a number of our key stakeholders in our congregation in order to get a sampling of opinions to determine reasonable expectations for the campaign results.

The purpose of the Study:

  • To determine the readiness of the Unitarian Universalist Church of the North Hills (UUCNH) to conduct a capital campaign to finance mission-driven facility expansion and enhancement

  • To estimate how much money such a campaign might raise

  • To identify the next steps to maximize chances of success

The Capital Campaign Committee is pleased to announce that the results are:

  • The project enjoys strong support. On a scale of 0 to 10, the average rating for importance was 8.52. Only one person rated it below 5, and 33people (78% of respondents) rated it 8 or above

  • The planned contributions of the study participants is just over $630,000, which is 3.4 times their annual giving with possible upside potential from this group is $700,000 or 3.8 times annual

  • The current data indicates that UUCNH can raise between $900,000and $975,000

This means that we are on track if we go forward to execute the Basis plus enhanced plan:


While there is a lot of uncertainty in the world today, we can do this.  We ask you to support the campaign and as you consider your own gift – here are a few things to talk about in your family:
  • Required Minimum Distribution (RMD/QCD)
  • Appreciated assets
  • Defer personal capital projects
  • A sabbatical from giving to non-UU causes
  • Defer expensive vacations
  • Keep your car a few more years
  • Advance on inheritance or legacy giving
  • Reduce or eliminate discretionary expenses
  • Ask family to help you support the campaign
For the full study, summary click here.