The Memorial Garden (MG) of The Unitarian Universalist Church of the North Hills (UUCNH) is primarily a place to remember those who were important in our lives, a place of spiritual repose, a place of connection between then and now, and a place for contemplation of what comes next.  But it is also a space for celebrating life’s joyous occasions and for strengthening our connections to each other and to the natural world.


  1. Only Members or Friends of the Church or their immediate family may be memorialized or have their cremains buried or scattered in the Memorial Garden.
  2. No memorial, internment, or scattering of cremains is permitted without the approval of the Memorial Garden Committee or their designee, and an agreement to pay the fees and abide by the rules regarding such use.
  3. Placement of memorials, internment, or scattering of cremains is limited to areas designated for these distinct uses in the MG plan. Please see the image above or the Garden Map
  4. Memorial and cremains interment sites will be assigned by the Memorial Garden Committee or their designee according to the MG plan. Burials must be in a biodegradable container.
  5. Memorials must follow the MG guidelines with regard to placement, material, size, fonts, color, as well as depth and width of the hole.
  6. Living memorials (native shrubs, trees, and other plantings) are welcome if they follow MG planting guidelines, but will not have to identify signs/plaques for the person so honored.
  7. All ground opening for burials, plantings, etc. will be performed by or overseen by the church maintenance staff or their designee.
  8. All burials, scatterings, and other memorials will be recorded in the church’s Remembrance Book. Biographical information about the deceased must be supplied for inclusion in the book; name and birth and death dates are required at a minimum. A photocopy of the death certificate is particularly helpful for future genealogical searches, as are one or two photographs.
  9. Use and maintenance of the MG shall be subject to the exclusive direction and control of the UUCNH Board of Trustees or its designees. UUCNH may alter, modify or relocate the MG and any related memorial or buried cremains.
  10. The MG space can be included in church events and in rentals of the UUCNH and grounds.
  11. Exceptions to these rules will be decided by the Board of Trustees after discussion with the Chair of the MG Committee.

Approved by the UUCNH Board of Trustees, March 15, 2022