CAR Documents

Denominational Affairs Committee


Charge The Denominational Affairs Committee is charged with facilitating the flow of bi-directional communication and information between UUCNH and the larger Unitarian Universalist denomination. Authority The Denominational Affairs Committee has the authority to:  Educate UUCNH congregants on broader denominational issues and concerns as they pertain to the cluster, region, and the UUA as a [...]

Denominational Affairs Committee2024-04-17T08:21:28-04:00

Finance Committee


The Finance Committee and Treasurer meet monthly and perform the following: Review the current Balance Sheet and the Statements of Revenue and Expenses looking for unusual items or trends. Compare the current revenue to the budget and follow up with the Treasurer and stewardship if there are unusual trends. Compare the expenses to budget [...]

Finance Committee2021-11-20T07:36:13-05:00

Executive Committee


Charge: to assist the President and the Church Board of Trustees in carrying out their duties and responsibilities. The Executive Committee is to consist of the Church President, the immediate past President, the Vice President, and the Minister, who is considered an ex-officio non-voting member. Authority: The President, in consultation with the Committee, has [...]

Executive Committee2021-11-20T07:37:25-05:00

Communications Team


Charge The Communications Team (CT) is charged with directing communication within the Unitarian Universalist Church of the North Hills (UUCNH) congregation via the Newsletters the website, the Facebook page and the UUCNH Community Facebook discussion group. The Team is also charged with directing communication with the outside world via the website, the [...]

Communications Team2021-11-20T07:37:54-05:00

Personnel Committee


Charge The Personnel Committee (PC) is charged with developing and maintaining a system and procedures for evaluating the staff of the Unitarian Universalist Church of the North Hills (UUCNH). The PC is also charged with making recommendations to the Board of Trustees (BOT) for compensation and benefits for the staff. The Committee is to [...]

Personnel Committee2021-11-20T11:34:02-05:00

Covenantal Relations Team


Charge The Covenantal Relations Team (CRT) is charged with: Promoting the UUCNH Congregational Covenant Designing and managing the process used by the church to address serious conflicts that may arise that threaten the health of the community Balancing the need for confidentiality with the need to keep the Board and Congregation informed when there [...]

Covenantal Relations Team2021-11-20T07:56:20-05:00

Ministry Council


Charge The Ministry Council is charged with coordinating the ministry programs of the Church. The Council consists of the Minister, who serves as its Chair, and three Ministry Coordinators. The Director of Lifespan Faith Development will also participate in this group as needed. The charge to the Council is to coordinate and support the [...]

Ministry Council2021-11-20T11:28:29-05:00

Children and Youth Faith Development Team


Charge In order to build a loving religious community at the Unitarian Universalist Church of the North Hills (UUCNH), the Children and Youth Faith Development (CYFD) Team is charged with supporting the CYFD Coordinator in creating and implementing a Faith Development Program for Children and Youth. This program will support their religious and spiritual [...]

Children and Youth Faith Development Team2023-12-05T12:04:10-05:00

Safety Preparedness Team


Charge The Safety Preparedness team is charged with assessing safety risks and developing a proactive safety plan for the Unitarian Universalist Church of the North Hills (UUCNH). Authority The Safety Preparedness Team has the authority to: Assess safety risks of the UUCNH building and property Develop a safety plan based on the risk assessment [...]

Safety Preparedness Team2021-11-20T11:38:55-05:00

Green Sanctuary Committee


Charge On January 21 , 2017, the Unitarian Universalist Church of the North Hills (UUCNH) congregation voted to begin the journey to seek the UUA Green Sanctuary accreditation. The Green Sanctuary Committee is self-selected by members and friends of UUCNH. The leader(s) of the Green Sanctuary is selected by the Green Sanctuary team.  falls [...]

Green Sanctuary Committee2021-12-03T10:14:07-05:00
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