The Finance Committee and Treasurer meet monthly and perform the following:

  • Review the current Balance Sheet and the Statements of Revenue and Expenses looking for unusual items or trends.
  • Compare the current revenue to the budget and follow up with the Treasurer and stewardship if there are unusual trends.
  • Compare the expenses to budget and follow up with committees or staff as needed.
  • Follow up on other items the committee deems necessary.
  • Make sure there is an inventory of grocery cards done so the Treasurer can reconcile the balances.

Annually the Finance Committee shall do the following:

  • Beginning in February the Committee shall ask for budget requests from committees, teams, staff, board of trustees and other groups within the church for the following church year. This information will be used along with the stewardship campaign results to develop the budget for the coming year to be approved by the congregation at the annual meeting.
  • The committee or representatives from the committee shall meet with our financial advisors to review investment results, compliance with the UUCNH investment policy and make any investment changes necessary.
  • Submit a report of the financial activities over the past year for inclusion in the UUCNH Annual Report.

Other duties as required:

  • Make sure the application for renewal of the sales tax exemption is completed on a timely basis when the information is received from the state.
  • Review insurance documents and consult with staff on the renewal of our insurance policy when it is required.
  • Be available to consult with the board of trustees, staff or other church groups whenever needed.

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