
Capital Campaign – Financial Feasibility Study Results


Here are the Financial Feasibility Study results that was recently undertaken by Barry Finkelstein. The study was conducted by Barry Finkelstein, a Unitarian Universalist Stewardship for Us Consultant.  Barry Interviewed a number of our key stakeholders in our congregation in order to get a sampling of opinions to determine reasonable expectations for the campaign [...]

Capital Campaign – Financial Feasibility Study Results2022-06-01T10:53:27-04:00

Coffee Hour Returns – sort of


UUCNH will begin sharing coffee tea and conversation outside of the church beginning this Sunday. The Coffee Hour announcement in the e-news today is causing some confusion with certain congregants because it does not explicitly say it will be outside and while it says "coffee and tea only" it also does not specifically say no [...]

Coffee Hour Returns – sort of2022-05-19T13:34:53-04:00

Green Sanctuary Supports Hearth


Green Sanctuary Support The UUCNH’s Green Sanctuary Team has partnered with HEARTH, a local nonprofit that provides a range of supportive services and housing that empowers homeless families, who are survivors of domestic violence or other trauma to become independent, self-sufficient, and adequately housed. Together we are building a community garden that provides healthy, local [...]

Green Sanctuary Supports Hearth2022-05-10T13:14:47-04:00

In Person Gathering Policy Change


Coffee Hour at UUCNH effective May 22 Last night, on the recommendation of the In-Person Gathering Task Force, the UUCNH Board amended the In-Person Gathering Policy to, among other changes allow limited coffee hours and food in small group meetings. The Board would like to acknowledge that - after the past 2 years - [...]

In Person Gathering Policy Change2022-05-07T20:57:17-04:00

Sisters in Spirit New Member Welcome


This is one of only two opportunities to join this group Sisters in Spirit is a monthly, ongoing, self-guided discussion group open to all women (regardless of sex assigned at birth) focused on developing spiritual, intellectual, and emotional growth and connection between members. The group re-opens to new and continuing members each April and [...]

Sisters in Spirit New Member Welcome2022-05-10T13:27:13-04:00

Policy for In‐Person Gatherings


Policy for In‐Person Gatherings at UUCNH During the Covid‐19 Pandemic This is the seventh revision to the original August 2020 policy and is effective as of August 17, 2022. Purpose: Since the beginning of the Covid pandemic, UUCNH has managed the crisis by carefully navigating through a multi-faceted and layered approach to restrictions on [...]

Policy for In‐Person Gatherings2022-08-22T09:29:36-04:00

Peace, Liberty, and Justice for All – creating community


Today’s topic is the sixth principle of the Unitarian Universalist Association. I’ve been preaching a sermon a month on these principles, and doing this has helped me to understand them better. I hope it has helped you too. The sixth principle is: The goal of a world community with peace, liberty, and justice for [...]

Peace, Liberty, and Justice for All – creating community2022-04-04T14:22:48-04:00
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