Masks at UUCNH
As of Thursday, August 26th, Allegheny County is still listed as Medium for the community risk status for Covid transmission. Policy for In‐Person Gatherings at UUCNH During the Covid‐19 Pandemic This is the seventh [...]
Capital Campaign Starts Soon
Many of us returned to the church for the first time in over two years in the last few weeks or months. As you visit I know that you realize how the roof and [...]
Are you Ready for BUUCs night?
Join us for the BUUCs vs Reds game on Saturday, August 20, 2022 at 7:05pm Reserve your tickets by July 20, 2022 Ticket reservation information and more can be found on this BUUCs Flyer. After [...]
Church Picnic
Second Annual Church Picnic Please join us on Sunday, July 31st at North Park - Starting after church, until 5:00 Location: Roosevelt Grove Bring your own food, grills will be available, charcoal will be provided [...]
Masks Optional at UUCNH
With the reduction of case counts in Allegheny County - UUCNH Board amended the In-Person Gathering Policy to, among other changes allow limited coffee hours and food in small group meetings. Restrictions still in place [...]
Capital Campaign – Financial Feasibility Study Results
Here are the Financial Feasibility Study results that was recently undertaken by Barry Finkelstein. The study was conducted by Barry Finkelstein, a Unitarian Universalist Stewardship for Us Consultant. Barry Interviewed a number of our [...]