12 events found.
B & P- Bellwood Preschool
Bellwood Building 2359 West Ingomar Road, Pittsburgh, PA, United States +1 moreBellwood Preschool Classes 9am-11am 12:30pm-3pm
Z- Sunday Service Team Meeting
Zoom-MINZoom-REV https://uuma.zoom.us/j/91372353745 Meeting ID: 913 7235 3745
B & P & S – Bellwood Preschool
Bellwood Building 2359 West Ingomar Road, Pittsburgh, PA, United States +2 moreE- Craft Group
East RoomMeeting in person in the East Room
W- Choir Rehearsal
West RoomB & P & S- Bellwood Preschool
Spirit Play Room +2 moreB & P- Bellwood Preschool
Bellwood Building 2359 West Ingomar Road, Pittsburgh, PA, United States +1 moreBellwood Preschool Classes 9am-11am 12:30pm-3pm
W – Dance Jam/Moving Meditation
West RoomJoin us on the first Friday of each month at 7pm as we create a safe non-judgmental space to dance, move, sit, laydown listen to/feel music, and be in our bodies. Come as you are and move as you please.
F & K – Stewardship Training
Kitchen +1 moreContact Carol Ballance
T- Quest for Belief
Truth & Meaning Room (Youth Group Room)Contact: Edie Swihart This was formerly called UU Christian Perspectives