WD & Z – PSI ( Philosophical, Spiritual Insights)
Worth and Dignity RoomJoin Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 830 4405 2949 Passcode: 932743
Z- Zoom with UUCNH Friends
ZoomThis drop-in connection will be held every Tuesday from 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm and will be led by Michael Horwitz. CLICK HERE to join the Zoom meeting. Login is the same each week: Contact: Michael Horwitz Zoom Acct: Michael Horwitz Meeting ID & Password: Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84452459793?pwd=NG5zTHVkTUhDSXo1MjFxaE5kMDBPQT09 Meeting ID: 844 5245 9793 Password: 264500
GM- Facilities Use Committee Meeting
Meets monthly on the second Wednesday via Google Meet. Meeting is open to anyone who would like to attend. Contact: Jane Switzer, Chair of the Facilities Use Committee Google Meet joining info: Video call link: https://meet.google.com/czr-zvfx-msg Or dial: (US) +1 443-712-7956 PIN: 778 955 331#
E- Sisters In Spirit
East RoomThis group re-opens to new and continuing members each April and October. Contact: Michelle Broge-Connor and Rachael Smart
Z- Finance Meeting
Zoom-GENContact: Dennis Doubleday For Zoom login: Mary Ellen Johnson
E- Craft Group
East RoomMeeting in person in the East Room
W- Choir Rehearsal
West RoomK & W Coffeehouse
West RoomAttention all you singers and raconteurs! Coffee House is returning on Friday, October 11th. Have a song to sing, a joke to tell, a poem or story to share? Or do you just want to be an audience member and be entertained? Coffee House is the place for you! Join us on Friday, October 11, [...]
E – Ukulele Group
East RoomBring your ukulele, music and a table stand if you have one. If not come anyway. We are good at sharing and often have an extra uke or two. If you are not sure that you are interested in joining the group, come and see what it's like and then decide. Beginners welcome. It's a [...]