12 events found.
B & P- Bellwood Preschool
Bellwood Building 2359 West Ingomar Road, Pittsburgh, PA, United States +1 moreBellwood Preschool Classes 9am-11am 12:30pm-3pm
Z- Sunday Service Team Meeting
Zoom-MINZoom-REV https://uuma.zoom.us/j/91372353745 Meeting ID: 913 7235 3745
B & P & S – Bellwood Preschool
Bellwood Building 2359 West Ingomar Road, Pittsburgh, PA, United States +2 moreE- Craft Group
East RoomMeeting in person in the East Room
W- Choir Rehearsal
West RoomB & P & S- Bellwood Preschool
Spirit Play Room +2 moreF & W – Bellwood Preschool Art Show
West Room +1 moreK & W Coffeehouse
West RoomAttention all you singers and raconteurs! Coffee House is returning on Friday, October 11th. Have a song to sing, a joke to tell, a poem or story to share? Or do you just want to be an audience member and be entertained? Coffee House is the place for you! Join us on Friday, October 11, [...]
W- Systemic Change
West RoomFair District Work with neighboring churches
T- Quest for Belief
Truth & Meaning Room (Youth Group Room)Contact: Edie Swihart This was formerly called UU Christian Perspectives
B & P- Bellwood Preschool
Bellwood Building 2359 West Ingomar Road, Pittsburgh, PA, United States +1 moreBellwood Preschool Classes 9am-11am 12:30pm-3pm