
Bellwood Preschool Kidstuff Sale


Bellwood Preschool's KidStuff Sale of gently used infant and children's clothing (infant to size 14), toys, books, furnishings, and anything imaginable for kids will be held Friday, March 18th from 9 am – 5 pm and Saturday, March 19th  from 9 am -12 pm.  Red penned tags are 50% off on Saturday! Join us as a seller for The Spring KidStuff Sale.  There is a $15 registration fee and sellers receive 60% of their total sales. [...]

Bellwood Preschool Kidstuff Sale2022-02-28T12:08:47-05:00

March Share the Plate


The Share the Plate recipient for March will be UUJusticePA (Unitarian Universalist Justice Pennsylvania). The mission of UUJPA is to pursue justice by voting, advocating, and making just public policies. Its vision is one where PA Unitiarian Univeralisyts are aware of justice issues and are called to speak and take action that leads to a better commonwealth. Current issue teams include Gun Violence, Environmental Justice, Good Government, Criminal [...]

March Share the Plate2022-02-28T12:09:36-05:00

Who is Black History Month for?


The actor, author, and everybody’s first choice to narrate their biopic, Morgan Freeman, once said, “I don’t want a Black History Month. Black History is American History.” Black History Month I remember first learning about Black History Month as a kid and wondering how it made African Americans feel. By that time, I had marched [...]

Who is Black History Month for?2022-02-23T10:07:31-05:00

Capital Campaign Info and Input Sessions


February and March 2022 dates scheduled as follows: Sunday, February 27 - after the Service in the West Room Wednesday, March 2 at 2:00 – 3:00pm - on ZOOM (see login info below) Thursday, March 3 at 7:00 – 8:00pm - on ZOOM (see login info below) UUCNH is embarking on a Capital Campaign [...]

Capital Campaign Info and Input Sessions2022-02-23T10:27:39-05:00

Grocery cards and fair trade sale


UUCNH benefits from you buying Giant Eagle and/or Kuhn’s Gift Cards at no extra expense to you! Both stores donate $5 to UUCNH for every $100 of gift card value sold. Mother Earth and small-scale farmers benefit when you buy Equal Exchange Fair Trade Coffee, Tea, and Chocolate. Due to the pandemic the grocery cards normally sold on Sundays at [...]

Grocery cards and fair trade sale2022-02-23T10:32:10-05:00

February Share the Plate


The February Share the Plate recipient will be Hello Neighbor.  Hello Neighbor works to improve the lives of recently resettled refugee families by matching them with dedicated neighbors to guide and support them in their new lives. Since 2017, Hello Neighbor has provided support to over 800 refugees and immigrants from more than 17 countries [...]

February Share the Plate2022-02-23T10:16:39-05:00

Miguel Sague CD Information


We were blessed to have as a guest speaker in Sunday’s service Miguel Sague of the Council of Three Rivers American Indian Center. He shared a song and mentioned the CD he has created with others, and many of us wanted to purchase the CD. The CD is called Songs from the Stone Hoop, and [...]

Miguel Sague CD Information2022-01-22T10:13:50-05:00

January Share the Plate


The January Share the Plate recipient is Living in Liberty. Living in Liberty From their website: "Living in Liberty restores dignity, freedom, and a new life to victims of commercial sexual exploitation by creating a safe, secure, loving, and nurturing community where healing occurs and a new life begins." To accomplish their mission, Living in [...]

January Share the Plate2022-01-22T13:42:21-05:00

Capital Campaign Info and Input Sessions


UUCNH is embarking on a Capital Campaign for the first time in 16 years. Over the next several months the Capital Campaign Team (CCT) will be collecting YOUR ideas and feedback. The CCT will start by creating 3 options; a basic plan of the lowest cost, an intermediate plan of mid-range costs, and a “gold standard” [...]

Capital Campaign Info and Input Sessions2022-01-22T13:50:00-05:00
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