WD & Z – PSI (Philosophical, Spiritual Insights) Group

Growth and Zoom

Have you ever been verbally zapped by someone [smarmy or downright insulting] and spent the next several weeks imagining what you should have said? In this session, we’ll begin our discussion of dealing with the “verbally venomous.” See Tony Palermo for details. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 830 4405 2949 Passcode: 932743

Event Series E – Ukulele Group

E – Ukulele Group

East Room

Bring your ukulele, music and a table stand if you have one. If not come anyway. We are good at sharing and often have an extra uke or two. If you are not sure that you are interested in joining the group, come and see what it's like and then decide. Beginners welcome. It's a [...]

W – Meditation Group

West Room

Registration not required.  Drop-ins welcome. Materials Contact:  Jesse Lehmier ------------------------------------- The UUCNH Meditation Group will explore the contemplative practice of meditation. Together we will learn and practice various types of meditation, including meditation on breath, mindfulness meditation, and loving-kindness meditation. Sessions will last between 45-60 minutes, 30 of which will consist of guided meditation, with [...]