G & Z – JDG (Jesus Discussion Group)
Growth and ZoomJesus Discussion Group - Tony Palermo Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 830 4405 2949 Passcode: 932743
E- 8-9 OWL
East RoomContact Robyn Travers or Ron Smart for any questions
UUCNH driveway entranceUUCNH will be a polling place this day. As such NO ONE may be in the building this day unless an approved participate with election activities.
Z – Zoom with UUCNH Friends
ZoomThis drop-in connection will be held every Tuesday from 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm and will be led by Michael Horwitz. CLICK HERE to join the Zoom meeting. Login is the same each week: Contact: Michael Horwitz Zoom Acct: Michael Horwitz Meeting ID & Password: Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84452459793?pwd=NG5zTHVkTUhDSXo1MjFxaE5kMDBPQT09 Meeting ID: 844 5245 9793 Password: 264500
Z – Board Meeting
ZoomThe UUCNH Board of Directors meets on the third Tuesday of each month from 7:00 - 9:00 pm, via Zoom. Meetings are open to Members and you can join the meeting here. The Passcode is UUCNH. Board Meeting Agenda to be posted. The Board of Trustees welcomes communication, comments, questions, and suggestions. If you would [...]
E – Craft Group
East RoomMeeting in person in the East Room
E – Covenant Group – Ruth & Hal
East RoomContact: Ruth Horwitz
W – Choir Rehearsal
Contact: Joyce Kepner, Interim Director
T – Youth Group
Truth & Meaning Room (Youth Group Room)Contact: Robyn Travers, Youth Group Adult Leader
E – Ukulele Group
East RoomBring your ukulele, music and a table stand if you have one. If not come anyway. We are good at sharing and often have an extra uke or two. If you are not sure that you are interested in joining the group, come and see what it's like and then decide. Beginners welcome. It's a [...]