Sunday Service
Suicide Prevention: What I have learned.
West Room and ZoomSuicide is the 11th cause of death in the US. While the holidays can be a joyful time for many . It can also be a difficult time with those suffering from depression. I have learned a lot in the last year and half working with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevent I want to share some of [...]
New Year, New Choices
West Room and ZoomEach January, we often mark the beginning of a new year by resolving to make better choices. However, in doing so, we can lose sight of how elusive and privileged a sense of choice can be. James Clarke, a long-time UU and interfaith chaplain at Pittsburgh's Veterans Association hospital, will offer insight into chaplaincy and the […]
Everyone Has A Story
West Room and ZoomPresented by Rev Lee Anne Washington Our Soul Matters worship theme for January is Living Love Through the Practice of Story. We know our own stories. We think of them as true. We view our lives through the lens of those stories. We make judgments about ourselves and others based on those stories. But, what […]