Take Down These Walls – Pluralism’s Delicate Balance

Sanctuary (West Room)

When there are so many ways to divide us into those who are “in” and those who are “out,” how do we find common ground? Join Rev. Lee Anne as she explores the causes of and the antidotes to the natural tendency toward tribalism.

Coffee Hour

Friendship Hall

All are welcome, so please, join us after the Sunday Service to connect with one another during Coffee Hour time. Building on our commitment to being a welcoming congregation offering radical hospitality as we co-create the beloved community, we continue to try out a new coffee hour protocol. Please: Pick a Sunday to start the […]

Jesus Discussion Group

Justice Room and Zoom

Jesus Discussion Group – 3rd Sunday of May, the 19th, from noon to 1:15 PM on Zoom and at church (upstairs, follow the yellow signs).   See Tony Palermo for details. May Topic: Many gospels exist which never made it to the New Testament.  Even so, they contribute – silently - to the current mythology […]

Town Hall – Article II

PNC Park

Once we have had a little time to reflect after discussions, we’ll come together again to dive a little deeper and, again, share our thoughts. If you weren’t able to be part of a discussion group, you won’t want to miss this town hall. Last year more than 25% of members abstained from voting on […]