
The ushers are charged with making sure that church members, visitors, and friends are warmly welcomed into the Sanctuary and assisted with any special needs for services at the Unitarian Universalist Church of the North Hills (UUCNH). Ushers are the second representatives of UUCNH that visitors experience, after the greeters, and they shall strive to offer hospitality to the congregants. The ushers are also charged with checking and making necessary adjustments in the sanctuary for service readiness, distribution of the orders of service, and the collection, counting, and documenting of the offertory during the service.


The ushers at UUCNH are a self-directed team with no annual budget. The Usher Coordinator is authorized to recruit, train, and maintain a team of ushers, from which no less than two will be at each Sunday Service. The coordinator is to work with the Sunday Services Team and with the church office assistant as needed. Ushers are given the authority to perform their duties on Sunday mornings, for holiday services, and for special services held in the Sanctuary.

Ushers also may need to work in cooperation with other committees or individuals such as the Sunday Services Team, the Minister or guest speaker, the Lay Leader, the Sound Wranglers, Buildings & Grounds, the Treasurer, or the Choir, for coordination of the Sunday morning service or if a problem arises that falls outside the scope of the usher’s duties.


  1. Develop and maintain a Master List of activities, duties, timelines, tasks, formats, etc. for which the Ushering Team is specifically responsible.
  2. Maintain a relationship with the team’s Board Liaison and provide updates as needed.
  3. Submit a report on the team’s activities to the Sunday Services Team for inclusion in the UUCNH annual report to the congregation.
  4. Maintain confidentiality pertaining to individual offertory contributions.

Approved 2014-04-10

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March 13 @ 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

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March 14 @ 9:00 am - 2:00 pm

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March 14 @ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm