
The Special Events Coordinator (SEC) is charged with organizing people who are willing to help with special events held at the Unitarian Universalist Church of the North Hills (UUCNH). (These events are separate from regularly occurring, routine functions such as team meetings, annual committee orientations, etc.) The SEC will coordinate assistance for provision of food, lodging, facility set-up, etc. for hosting those events which are attended by outside groups such as Cluster Assemblies, Central East Regional Group meetings, etc.


The UUCNH Special Events Coordinator works under the direction of the Minister and Board President to contact volunteers to coordinate coverage for event requests. The SEC may work in cooperation with The Hospitality Team, Facilities Use Team, Kitchen Coordinator or others as needed.

The SEC does not have a budget and is not responsible for authorizing or processing payments. That is the duty of the event organizer and/or the Treasurer.


  1. Develop and maintain a Master List of activities, duties, timelines, tasks, formats, etc. for which the Special Events Coordinator is specifically responsible.
  2. Maintain a relationship with and provide updates as necessary to the coordinator’s Board Liaison.
  3. Submit a report on the coordinator’s activities for inclusion in the UUCNH annual report to the congregation.

Approved 2015-01-20

Upcoming Events or View Full Calendar

W & D – Choir Rehearsal

March 13 @ 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

B & P & S- Bellwood Preschool

March 14 @ 9:00 am - 2:00 pm

B & P- Bellwood Preschool

March 14 @ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm