
The Facilities Use Committee is charged with the administration of the Unitarian Universalist Church of the North Hills (UUCNH) Facilities Use Policy. The Committee will proactively seek to offer the use of church facilities at reasonable rates for activities that are consistent with and foster the principles of Unitarian Universalism and UUCNH.


The committee chair, or the church staff in consultation with the chair, has the authority to grant approval to utilize the UUCNH space and execute Standard Single Usage Agreements for members and non-members. Facilities Use Committee members, the church office assistant, the President of the Board, and the Minister are authorized to sign rental agreements after approval from the Facilities Use Committee chair has been granted.

The Minister will approve any rite of passage ceremony performed at UUCNH.

The Minister may waive the rental rates at his or her discretion.

The Facilities Use Committee will recruit, train, schedule, and supervise gatekeepers.

The Facilities Use Committee will work in consultation with Building & Grounds and the Board as required.


  1. Develop and maintain a Master List of activities, duties, timelines, tasks, formats, etc. for which the Facilities Use Committee is specifically responsible.
  2. Maintain a relationship with and provide a monthly update to the committee’s Board Liaison.
  3. Submit a report on the committee’s activities for inclusion in the UUCNH annual report to the congregation.

Approved 2014-05-08

Upcoming Events or View Full Calendar

E – LDT Meeting

February 16 @ 9:00 am - 10:00 am

WD- OWL Class

February 16 @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

E – OWL Class

February 16 @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pm