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Your Board of Trustees will be holding a meeting on Monday, 4/29, at 6:00 pm on Zoom. The Board plans to hold a vote to approve the ministerial contract that the Personnel Committee has negotiated with Rev. Lee Anne. Meetings are open to all members and we welcome your participation. Attendees will be muted upon joining and we respectfully ask that questions and comments be reserved until the end of the meeting.

Please click here to join the meeting with Passcode UUCNH

The Board of Trustees welcomes communication, comments, questions, and suggestions. If you would like to contact the Board, including to request time on the agenda at an upcoming board meeting, please email [email protected]. Board committees are encouraged to consult with their Board Liaison. Emails will receive an acknowledgement and will be reviewed by Board members at the next available opportunity, recognizing that Board members are volunteers. Smaller questions and comments may receive a response within a week, while more detailed or substantive questions and comments are typically discussed at the next monthly Board meeting.

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