The Denominational Affairs Committee is charged with facilitating the flow of bi-directional communication and information between UUCNH and the larger Unitarian Universalist denomination.
The Denominational Affairs Committee has the authority to:
- Educate UUCNH congregants on broader denominational issues and concerns as they pertain to the cluster, region, and the UUA as a whole.
- Educate the congregation about the business agenda for each UUA General Assembly.
- Educate the congregation about UUA General Assembly Social Witness Statements and inform the UUA of issues of social justice concern at UUCNH.
- Educate the congregation about what it means for UUCNH to be a responsible member of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations.
- Present delegates to the Board for approval.
- Educate and train delegates annually on agenda items and other items of concern at the General Assembly, as well as on the process and procedures being utilized for full participation.
- Nominate a new cluster representative before the acting representative’s term is complete.
- Develop and maintain a Master List of activities, duties, timelines, tasks, formats, etc. for which the committee is specifically responsible.
- Maintain a relationship with and provide monthly updates to the committee’s Board Liaison.
- Develop and maintain a relationship with our UUA Congregational Life staff member to facilitate a bi-directional flow of information.
- Develop and submit a proposed budget for the committee as part of the annual church budgeting process.
- Submit a report on the committee’s activities for inclusion in the UUCNH Annual Report to the congregation.
- Recruit members interested in being a delegate for GA and provide the list to the UUCNH board.
- Invite the current cluster representative to be a member of this committee.