We, the Board of the Unitarian Universalist Church of the North Hills, freely enter into this covenant. Together, we will work for the benefit of the mission of UUCNH.
We agree to:
Attend on time and fully participate in scheduled meetings.
Inform the President when we are unable to attend.
Speak freely and listen attentively to each other.
Assume good intentions unless shown otherwise.
Seek discernment greater than the wisdom of individual group participants, with all members able to support the group decision-making process knowing that their insights and concerns were respected and carefully considered.
Manage interpersonal conflicts in a constructive way through private conversation and by avoiding triangulation.
Respond to one another, recognizing that silence will be interpreted as agreement, and that constructive response is preferred
Each do our share of the work in a timely fashion, asking for assistance if needed.
Accept our roles as Board members as more than monthly meeting participation and use between meeting time for work on our goals and action items.
Foster a healthy balance between our Church duties and our individual personal time, remembering that we each have families, homes, and interests that also require our attention and care.
Maintain transparent processes and open Board meetings to the fullest extent possible, while meeting our obligation to hold in confidence information that we as a Board may receive in confidence or that we have a legal, fiduciary, or ethical responsibility to keep confidential
Participate in, as we are able, Sunday mornings and other UUCNH events