Reclaim, Renew, Re-Imagine in 2024-2025

The 2024-25 pledge drive begins on March 3, 2024. Why do you give? Why is UUCNH important to you and your family? Why is it important that it continues?  This is very personal to each of us.  Please give generously, and if you have the means, please increase your pledge to secure the future of our church home. If you are new to UUCNH, please consider pledging for the balance of the church year which ends on June 30, 2024.

Want to Contribute now?

Upcoming Services

Laughter is the Best Medicine

May 5 @ 10:30 am - 11:45 am

Sunday is World Laughter Day. Join us as Rev. Lee Anne explores the many ways that laughter benefits our emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.  Come prepared to laugh! The service will include a ceremonial signing of the Settled Ministry Agreement, followed by cake!

The Importance of Being Grounded

May 12 @ 10:30 am - 11:45 am

Ever feel out of sorts – achy all over, sluggish, and mentally foggy? Well, there’s an ancient practice, well-supported by medical science, that you might want to try.  Join Rev. Lee Anne as she explores the many benefits of being grounded. After the service, the Denominational Affairs Committee will be facilitating discussion about the proposed [...]

When there are so many ways to divide us into those who are “in” and those who are “out,” how do we find common ground? Join Rev. Lee Anne as she explores the causes of and the antidotes to the natural tendency toward tribalism.

You are always welcome to visit

The best way to experience our church community is to visit either online or in person.  Please fill out the Visitor information on the link below.