At UUCNH we are Stewards of our time, talent and treasure
2022 Campaign – Love will Guide Us
What should we pledge? “You can give from deep within you…”
Our Mission:
By building a loving religious community that
nourishes the spirit,
celebrates life, and
cherishes the connectedness of all things
we will transform ourselves and our world.
Our pledges of Time, Talent, and Treasure support our mission. We ask that your decision of how much to pledge come from a thoughtful process in which you and your spouse or partner talk with each other about the importance of supporting your church home. There are so many ways to give in our church community:
However, we also need your financial support. Finding a meaningful way to support the programs and needs of UUCNH is important to our success as a community of faith. The help you give should come from a place of commitment and intention, rather than from a feeling of obligation. “You can change UUCNH with your love.”
How to walk the labyrinth with your finger: The words themselves form the path. Enter the labyrinth at the bottom, following “Love Will Guide Us” and slowly trace your path to the center. Feel free to reflect on the words or just let them flow by. Travel slowly taking care to follow each switchback of the path without rushing ahead. On reaching the center, pause in the light of our chalice. There is room in the center for all of us. Consider the symbol and the meaning it holds for you. When ready, begin slowly retracing the path and reflecting on what the words, phrases, and our community mean to you. Exit refreshed as we continue together, allowing Love to guide us.
Look at what we have done already with your pledges
Despite the uncertainty of the last two years, pledging increased during the pandemic, due to your deep commitment to our Beloved Community. We thank you for that and we have been able to:
During the Pandemic years. we were able to continue many aspects of church life with opportunities to gather online and safely in person and we supported each other in a time of many great losses.