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E – Leadership Development team meeting
East Room
New Year, New Choices
West Room and ZoomEach January, we often mark the beginning of a new year by resolving to make better choices. However, in doing so, we can lose sight of how elusive and privileged a sense of choice can be. James Clarke, a long-time UU and interfaith chaplain at Pittsburgh's Veterans Association hospital, will offer insight into chaplaincy and the […]
E- Celebration Garden Committee
East RoomWD & Z – PSI (Philosophical, Spiritual Insights) Group
Growth and ZoomHave you ever been verbally zapped by someone and spent the next several weeks imagining what you should have said? In this session, we’ll begin our discussion of dealing with the “verbally venomous.” See Tony Palermo for details. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 830 4405 2949 Passcode: 932743