At UUCNH we are life long learners

Introduction to Lifespan Faith Development – a journey from birth to death

An introduction to faith development

Unitarian Universalism is a free faith that demands a responsible search for truth and meaning. We value the religious journey of our children, youth, and adults. We trust religious seekers in their journeys. We know that we can learn much from each other if we create a safe space to share our stories and respectfully hear the stories of others.  We encourage you to partake of our many offerings to connect and share with others and deepen your own religious understandings.

We are evolving beings in an evolving world. We are always learning and growing, changing and discovering. What better way to make this journey than in a loving, religious community that nourishes the spirit, celebrates life, and cherishes the connectedness of all things with a mission of transforming ourselves and our world.

  • We offer classes for children, teens and adults
  • We have group discussions and support groups
  • We have special activities to support our faith development
  • We support the development of new groups by lay leaders

The Unitarian Universalist Church of the North Hills is a place where you will find like-minded people from a variety of faith backgrounds and we offer education on many of those backgrounds.

Faith Development for Children and Youth

Many parents seek a church experience that can give their children a sense of belonging, meaning, and spiritual identity through their growing-up years. We aim to provide a program that supports parents, children, and youth in their religious quests.

We strive to create a welcoming, stimulating, and nurturing environment in which young people can develop beliefs, values, a sense of wonder, and the ability to begin to put beliefs and principles into action. A sense of closeness with our church community comes with active participation in our programs and makes learning and identification with our Unitarian Universalist values a natural and comfortable process.

Community membership is as much an element of our program as the Sunday School classes, worship. and special events.

We welcome you and look forward to being with you in growth and learning.

Faith Development for Adults

Welcome to our Faith Development Program for Adults.  We hope you participate in some of our many offerings. We have a variety of activities to help participants develop connections with others, explore religious questions, acquire spiritual practices and to deepen your understanding of Unitarian Universalism. Our offerings are open to members and visitors.

Friends and visitors are encouraged to participate in any of our Faith Development Programs for Adults. For most programs, you may drop in without advance arrangements. A few offerings require a commitment in order to participate, as indicated.  Please keep in mind that childcare is available if requested in advance.

UUCNH Library

With our church-wide goal of developing our anti-racism awareness, there are many books in our church library available for you to read on this topic. Click the button below to view the list.  If you’re interested in checking something out that interests you and you need help with obtaining one or more of these titles, please contact Midge Miles or Maggie Wilson or see Breeze for contact info.

  • Books about ending racism
  • Unitarian Univeralism History
  • Progressive Movements
  • Women’s rights and equality

Getting Your Children Started

Please register your child(ren) for Sunday classes and activities. All children and youth entering our program must register (or re-register) each year. Please see Violet, our Children and Youth Faith Development Program Administrator if during the year you need to update your enrollment. Especially changes to food allergies, special needs, address, phone number, e-mail address, and other relevant contact information. Please read our Family Rights and Responsibilities before completing the online registration form.

Thank You! We look forward to welcoming your family to our faith community!

Greetings! We could not offer the programming for children and youth that we do without the enthusiastic participation of adults in the congregation. And the best way to assure a great program is to be prepared and know that there is support and company in the endeavor.  To that end, volunteers are highly encouraged to attend our yearly teacher orientation.  This half-day workshop covers the nuts and bolts of ministry with children.  It includes valuable information such as behavior management, planning for a typical Sunday RE class, working with children who have special needs, setting goals for the year, and more.  A member of the Children and Youth Faith Development (CYFD) team reaches out to each class coordinator every month to assess any needs in the classroom.  The Children and Youth Faith Development Program Administrator is also available to meet with volunteers throughout the program year as needed.

  • To keep our volunteers and our children safe, we adhere to the Pennsylvania child safety laws.

  • Our volunteers who work with children and youth are mandatory reporters under PA law. Volunteers must report child abuse and neglect directly.

  • We ask that our teachers be part of our religious community or another Unitarian Universalist community for at least a year.

  • We require two adults in each classroom on Sunday mornings

  • Our classrooms have windows on the doors so the classes can be monitored easily for the protection of children and volunteers.

  • Our volunteers who work with children must have their clearances.  To learn more about these clearances and how to obtain them, click the link below:

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